Perfect for the weekend BBQ or lunchtime treat (a good way to fill a rainy morning) – make yourself some of these cute little Breadhogs – its just our basic bread recipe shaped into these gorgeous little guys. They look wonderful stacked up looking out of a bread basket too!

550gms Strong bread flour (Shipton Mill is my favorite)

10gms dried yeast

10gms sea salt

350gms/mls warm water

Mix it all either by hand or in the food mixer/Kenwood for 10 mins then rest under a tea towel in a warm place for an hour or so, then shape into balls, and snip little ‘v’s as spikes all over with a pair of scissors and make a pointy nose and two little eyes – do accenturate the features as they will puff up! Then leave to rise for 15 mins in a warm place on your floured or oiled baking tray, covered with a teatowel .

Place in preheated oven 220 degrees centigrade (immediately turn down to 200 degrees when you put them in). Bake about 20 minutes or so till their little underbellies are hollow sounding when tapped.

Gotta love a Breadhog, stuff them with roasted vegetables for a substantial lunch or serve with some Beetroot hummus and walnuts maybe.

I like to rub them with some olive oil all over as soon a they come out the oven, softens the crust and if you have any left over keeps them fresh for the next day too. Enjoy!