Public transport directions to:

The Old Kennels, Stentwood, Dunkeswell, Devon EX14 4RW tel.01823 681138


You can get to our nearest stations by train to Honiton (on the Waterloo line), or from Tiverton or Taunton Stations (via Paddington/Birmingham Line). As of October 2021 projects for the reopening of the old train stations at Cullompton and Wellington are proposed - when this eventually happens then Wellington would be nearer than Tiverton.

Check train times and availability here:

You will then need to find a bus or take a taxi to get to The Old Kennels, we strongly suggest you pre-book a taxi and agree a price as it is a fair journey from either station (Honiton approx. 15-20 minutes, Tiverton 30mins, Taunton 45 minutes)

If you are taking a bus from the station to us you will need to check the current timetables, but the bus that passes closest to us is the Number 20 DartLine which runs between Taunton and Seaton (this is the bus from Honiton and Taunton, Tiverton Station does not have a connecting bus). The Bus stop is a good ten minute walk downhill from the station on the High Street in Honiton the stop is called 'Lace Walk'. Catch the number 20 in the direction of Taunton, but ask to get off at 'Stentwood' which is shortly after the 'Sheldon Turn' stop.

A taxi from Honiton station will cost approximately £20 or more from other stations (maybe more after a certain time in the evening so do negociate a price when booking).

Make sure they bring you to The Old Kennels and not to the nearby Dog Boarding Kennels - bring the address/postcode with you.

By BUS …

We have a very rural bus service, you will need to check the current timetables, but the bus that passes closest to us is the Number 20 DartLine which runs between Taunton and Seaton . Beware buses are infrequent, often have a reduced service over the weekend and stop running quite early depending on time of year etc.

The bus passes the top of our drive, you will need to ask the driver to stop here specially to get off at ‘Stentwood’ which is between Dunkeswell and Hemyock (just after the Shutes Lane stop if you are coming from Honiton).

You will still need to walk several hundred yards down the lane marked ‘Stentwood’ a, continue PAST Stentwood Farm ‘Tearoom’ (who are a religious organisation, not an actual tearoom!) The Old Kennels is first left at the bottom of the hill before the gravel.

To see the available public transport click these links to or Number 20 DartLine  for buses

Local taxi companies:

Horseshoe Taxis 01404 850800                        (Honiton)

Jolly Jaunts 01884 840 979‎                             (Uffculme) - highly recommended 🙂

Sparkys Taxis  01404 47670                                   (Honiton)

Hello Taxis 01404 758532                                          (Honiton)


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