FLAME WORKING :: Viking Beads & Murrine Creation – ONLINE COURSE

Original price was: £249.00.Current price is: £199.00.


With Dr Julie Anne Denton

LIVE ONLINE COURSE COMMENCES Saturday 17th October 2020 FOR FIVE WEEKS – see below for session times/dates

This course follows a live project commissioned by National Heritage to recreate the focal beads from the 1500 year old Pagan Lady Viking necklace. It is counted among the ten wonders of the Viking world and it was found on the Isle of Man. 1000 years ago a Viking of great standing inherited an heirloom which had been passed down through the family line for 500 years. The beads were purchased over half a Millennium through trade during ‘Viking’ journeys across Europe. When ‘The Pagan Lady’ died, this precious necklace was buried with her. Archaeologists discovered her remains in the Isle of Man, and Julie Anne Denton was commissioned by Manx National Heritage to study and recreate this 52 bead necklace. It consists of 6 amber beads, 44 glass, one jet and one faience. After completion, a series of talks and practical demonstrations commenced throughout the Heritage sites on the Island. Julie would like to share the techniques developed from this exciting project to the wider glass Community.

The class begins with a lecture about the Pagan Lady, the History surrounding her story and how the beads where originally created. A full set of working notes with detailed pictures is given to each student. Over the course of this online workshop, Julie will show you how to age beads, make 1500 year old murini, mix your own colours, use glass enamels and powders, mimic aged amber and work to exact specifications within a strict brief. No matter what your skill level, by the end of this class you will leave with your own Pagan Lady necklace, encompassing replicas of the focal beads.

There will be five 1 hour live zoom sessions on Saturdays, and three ‘one on one’ 15 minute personal consultations

Skill Level: Your own flameworking torch, or access to a flameworking studio is a necessity. This course is suitable for beginners and improvers.

£249 (£199 with ‘The Old Kennels’ discount code) for five ‘live’ weekly one hour online demonstration sessions and three further ‘One to One’ fifteen minute online session via Zoom.

Live online sessions commence on Saturday 17th October 2020 at 2pm and take place there after every Saturday at 2pm for a total of 5 weeks, easy to follow links will be provided before the course begins. In addition, the five weekly ‘one on one’ individual sessions can then be simply booked as a slot in the online calendar after each online session.

Live Online Course Dates: 17.10.2020, 24.10.20, 31.10.20, 7.11.20, and 14.11.20

Time: 14.00 – 15.00

PLUS three further fifteen minute individual sessions (one a week) bookable online

CLICK HERE TO BOOK use code ‘Old Kennels Friend’ and get 20% off! 


Other useful details ...

ONLINE COURSES and ONE TO ONE SESSIONS will be shared to you via a simple ‘Zoom’ video link supplied to join on your laptop, phone, iPad or PC. The five Weekly Demonstration Sessions run for around an hour, they will be available for you to rewatch after the event, pause and resume as you practice. You will be able to book three fifteen minute ‘One to One’ sessions via Zoom with Julie to focus on your individual progress.

Each course comes with a detailed requirements list and technical notes so you know exactly what you will need for this project and to progress and experiment on your own. Please ensure you read your list carefully and do ask if there is anything that isn’t clear!

IMPORTANT; Your own flameworking torch or access to a flameworking studio is a necessity for this course.

Extra insight from Julie Ann Denton:

I designed this course to deal with the current times we’re living in, and further down the line in a bid to help mother earth negate the need for unnecessary travel. I’ve devised an entirely new system of teaching glass to all skill levels and I can honestly say that I only see benefits. I’ve been working closely with my web company to provide a seamless service which is technophobe friendly. A digital course is as good as attending a course in the traditional way and I am going to list the reasons why:

Benefit 1: This 5 week course costs half the price of a normal two day course

Benefit 2 : You don’t have to travel to attend, get up early or pay for a hotel.

Benefit 3: If you’re shy the other students attending don’t have to see your face.

Benefit 4: Whilst you’re practicing there is no one looking over your shoulder.

Benefit 5: The entire experience is richer as you can see everything close-up and you have more time to practice.

Benefit 6: The live sessions are recorded which means you don’t have to attend the live session at the designated time. You can watch later multiple times if you wish.

Benefit 7: The 5 ‘One on One’ private troubleshooting session with me mean you are assured of the personal attention you require and deserve.

Benefit 8: In these troubled times there is zero chance of catching anything unpleasant from a fellow participant

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